Institute announcement 2009
Authors Title Contribution Thoden, D. On the deformation of thick circular ring plates under eccentric axial load
Leng, M.; Stahr, K.; Wächter, M. Tradition and future - activities in rope research at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering
Lau, P. Hilgermann, J. L.; Lohrengel, A. Hilgermann, J. L.; Lohrengel, A. Tools for hydroforming Leng, M. Investigation of the import of a square tube model from ANSYS to SIMPACK
Lohrengel, A.; Shen, L. J. Contact stress analysis and optimization design of ball plunging CVJ
Nsenga, E.; Schäfer, G. Simulation of dangerous goods transport containers as an alternative method for strength verification for approval -
Authors Title Contribution Bessling, S.; Echtermeyer, P.; Stahr, K. Design system for the development of high-strength, locally adapted structures using finite element design Siemann, E. BRAGECRIM: Production of EDM electrodes by selective laser sintering
Miehe, A. Bessling, S.; Bormann, E.; Müller, N. Involvement of small and medium-sized enterprises in standardization processes
Mänz, T.; Nsenga, E. Development of a tool for the automatic generation of splines in ANSYS
Authors Title Contribution Lohrengel, A.; Rolshofen, W.; Thoden, D. Comparative acoustic measurements on structures with locally altered properties
Thoden, D. Kruk, R.; Siemann, E. FDM technology in practice Kruk, R.; Schäfer, G. Kruk, R.; Thoden, D. Structure-borne noise transmission of rolling and plain bearings
Kruk, R.; Schäfer, G.; Siemann, E. Kruk, R.; Schäfer, G.; Stahr, K. Kruk, R. Strain gages as a solution for production process monitoring
Nagler, N.; Lohrengel, A.; Schäfer, G. Underground pumped storage power plants - A new way of storing energy
Lohrengel, A.; Rolshofen, W.; Schäfer, G. -
Authors Title Contribution Thoden, D. Siemann, E. Virtual reality at the IMW Wächter, M. Bologna process in the teaching unit Mechanical and Process Engineering at TU Clausthal
Hilgermann, J. L. Redesign of the FEM practical course with ANSYS Bormann, E.; Siemann, E. New hardware in the CIP pool Bormann, E.; Mänz, T. Bessling, S.; Bormann, E.; Müller, N. Conference "Standardization and University" at the TU Clausthal
Bessling, S.; Müller, N. Müller, N. Wieczorek, A. Results of the power loss calculations of gears with high gearing