Institute Communication 1993

Overview of the individual articles of the Institute Communication 1993 (No. 18)

Übersicht Einzelartikel

AuthorsTitle Contribution
Dietz, P.The SFB 180: Design of process engineering machines - An overview
Bock, U.Form of motion of the filling in a vibrating mill at large amplitudes
Neumann, U.A contribution to the topic of plastics recycling
Hartmann, D.Application of fault tree analysis for the optimization of process plants
Holland, M.System concept for process-oriented tolerance distribution for component pairings
Kruse, P. J.Performance of the international standard ISO 10303 (STEP) with regard to the exchange of drawing data
Bugow, R.; Ort, A.PLUS: The provision of standard, repeat and purchased parts for computer-aided design
Prengemann, U.; Schmitt, R.AMANIS - Manufacturing information for design
Heinen, F.; Holland, M.; Kalwa, R.PICASSO - A knowledge-based design environment
Schiedeck, N.Development of a novel machining process for the production of backings in manual transmission gears using CAD simulations
Haje, D.; Gummersbach, F.Knowledge-based system design of low-noise products - work progress in the "EQUIP" project
Gieleßen, H.Application of calculation software for machine elements using the example of a gear shaft
Jakel, R.A proposal for a global multiaxiality criterion for ceramic materials based on weighted distortions
Dao, T. H.; Engel, K.; Schmidt, A.Stress-optimized design of a thermally highly stressed component from the field of accumulator construction
Dietz, P.; Schäfer, G.; Wesolowski, K.Splined shaft connections - stress and wear behavior
Tan, L.Partially plastic design of shaft-hub-press connections weakened by drilling
Rübbelke, L.Influence of shaft-hub-connections on the dynamic behavior of rotors
Rothe, F.Investigation of the contact behavior of round steel chains using the finite element method