Institute communication 1994
Authors Title Contribution Haje, D.; Gummersbach, F. EQUIP - Knowledge-based system for the development of low-noise products Heinen, F.; Kalwa, R. PICASSO - A knowledge-based design environment Kruse, P. J. Requirements: Acquisition, preparation and provision for the product development process Ort, A.; Bugow, R. The creation of an open parts library concept Penschke, St. Systematic design principles for functional and production-oriented sheet metal structures Schiedeck, N. Manufacturing information for production planning Schmitt, R. Collection and processing of manufacturing experience for design -
Authors Title Contribution Barth, H.-J.; Jeschke, D. Inertia-free measurement of temperature, mass and volume flow in gases by ultrasound Engel, K.; Schmidt, A. Machine acoustic measures for the reduction of structure-borne noise transmission -
Authors Title Contribution Gieleßen, H. Anisotropy of the photoelastic effect in rolled machine parts Henschel, J.: Romann, M. Detection of mechanical stresses on moving machine parts and their wireless transmission -
Authors Title Contribution Betaneli, A. J. The express method for determining the brittle strength of the cutting wedge Xie, Huimin; Dai Fulong Fabrication of high temperature holographic grating -
Activities and equipment
Authors Title Contribution Dietz, P.; Prengemann, U. CRAFT - European money for small and medium-sized enterprises Heinen, F. ERASMUS - Europe-wide university cooperation Schmitt, R. Information about the IMW available worldwide