Institute communication 1995
Authors Title Contribution Dietz, P. Concurrent engineering - consequences for training Haje, D.; Gummersbach, F. EQUIP - Concept of a design consulting system for the development of low-noise products Heinen, F.; Kalwa, R. PICASSO - Functionality of a designer support system for the plastic mold industry Penschke, St.; Große, A. Fundamentals for supporting the design process when developing sheet metal components Prengemann, U.; Schmitt, R. Manufacturing information in the design process as a component of concurrent engineering Ort, A. Transfer of a specification in EXPRESS to the KAPPA development environment Heinen, F.; Penschke, St. Quality management system and certification according to DIN EN ISO 9000 ff -
Authors Title Contribution Klemp, E.; Romann, M. SIMDES - Simultaneous Engineering applied to a Europroject Neumann, U. Parameter determination for the hydrothermal degradation of plastics by supercritical water in continuous operation -
Authors Title Contribution Engel, K.; Jeschke, D. Consistent noise reduction through systematic analysis of the noise generation chain Jeschke, D.; Schiedeck, N. Graphite dust extraction on a high-speed milling machine -
Authors Title Contribution Engel, K.; Ort, A. Digital image processing in dynamic stress optics Henschel J. Experimental stress analyses - Presentation of a concept and realization using three examples -
Authors Title Contribution Xie Huimin; Wang Feng Measurement of stress factors of a composite fiberboard using moiré interferometry -
Activities and equipment
Authors Title Contribution Prengemann, U. Research in Europe Heimannsfeld, K.; Teichert, T. Internet information systems in research and teaching