Institute Communication 1999
Dietz, P.: Process engineering machines - opportunities for simultaneous process and machine development
Authors Title Contribution Beisheim, N.; Müller, N. The application of feature technology in the design information system Große, A. Steel information and selection with the internet-based systems Stahlikon and Starkit Birkholz, H.; Garzke, M Series development of torque transducers Tawil, M. Artificial neural networks - method and application Gummersbach, F.; Heimannsfeld, K. Finding product requirements systematically Käferstein, B.; Klemp, E. From the idea to the tangible component in a few hours - Interaction of modern design and manufacturing techniques Düsing, C.; Goltz, M.; Heimannsfeld, K. SEDRES-2 - Systems Engineering Data Representation and Exchange Standardization - 2 Judith, M. ProManual - Use of multimedia in product documentation Beisheim, N. Use of neural networks and fuzzy technology in preventive incident simulation -
Authors Title Contribution Dietz, P.; Haje, D. Development of low-noise products - computer-aided consulting aids for the designer Gummersbach, F.; Käferstein, B. Approaches to noise reduction using the example of an electrically driven transport unit -
Authors Title Contribution Grünendick, T.; Käferstein, B. Environmental testing of components using broadband noise Birkholz, H.; Judith, M.; Tawil, M. Test rig for durability testing of cardan shafts Beisheim, N.; Gummersbach, F.; Käferstein, B. Sound flow modeling - a concept to support the designer in the development of low-noise machines Gummersbach, F. Economic evaluation of noise reduction measures -
Authors Title Contribution Große, A. Youth research at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering Düsing, C.; Jach-Reinke, H.-J. Development of a backup and recovery strategy for the Oracle8 infrastructure of the IMW Judith, M.; Klemp, E. IMW excursions to Hamburg and Munich -
Authors Title Contribution Wächter, M. Innovative engineering education Grethe, V. COPES - A further step towards the internationalization of TU Clausthal Otto, St.; Schäfer, G. On a business trip to the land of two cultures Siemieniec, A.; Wolny, S. Analysis of the working conditions of a conveyor system during emergency braking Khurodze, R. Evaluation methods and analysis of the reliability of measurement and information systems