Institute Communication 2004
Authors Title Contribution Dietz, P.; Mupende, I. Influence of rope damping on drum loads when winding with synthetic ropes or synthetic - steel ropes Dietz, P.; Birkholz, H.; Grünendick, T.; Schäfer, G. Weakened shaft-hub-press connections Dietz, P.; Grünendick, T. Forming connects: Joining processes for shaft-hub connections Grünendick, T.; Guthmann, A. Forming connects: Out-of-round profile joints by hydroforming Korte, T. Design of a milling device for the machining of rock test specimens Schäfer, G.; Ring, C. Spline research at the IMW -
Authors Title Contribution Boryczko, A.; Müller, N. Extended engineering system in computer-aided plant and apparatus engineering Trenke, D. Selective laser sintering of metallic/ceramic structures Düsing, C; Grünendick, T.; Müller, D.; Rolshofen, W. The factory of the future - a European network Müller, D. Supporting the product life cycle in Thailand and Malaysia - Successful cooperation between Europe and Asia Müller, D. Applying knowledge Söver, A. Extension of manufacturing methods for systems of topologically self-geared elements -
Authors Title Contribution Backhaus, S. Design and construction of a test rig to determine the structure-borne noise transmission behavior of rolling and plain bearings Düsing, C.; Rolshofen, W. Touchable acoustic user interfaces Schäfer, G. Measurements on a hydraulic system Nsenga Biansompa, E. Investigation of the dynamic behavior of a bearing test rig using FEM Hua, Q.; Ring, C. Construction of a tension test rig for testing the wear resistance of splined shaft connections
Authors Title Contribution Wächter, M. Credit point system - a tool in the context of study reforms within the Bologna Process Guthmann, A. Reorganization of CAD teaching at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire ® Trenke, D.; Söver, A. Presentation of self-geared structures at the Hanover Fair 2004 Guthmann, A.; Korte, T.; Ring, C. Machine technology excursion of the IMW in October 2003 Schäfer, G. Press review 2004 Wolny, S.; Dietz, P.; Schäfer, G. Strength and durability of a large radial fan Wolny, S.; Siemieniec, A.; Dzik, S.; Dietz, P. Influence of technological compaction on the state of stresses in box girders of cranes Tepnadze, S.A.; Betaneli, A.J.; Wepchwadze, D.A. System approach to automated design and manufacturing of printed circuit boards Betaneli, A.J.; Apchaidze, A.A.; Tavadze, N.G. The influence of design aspects and operational characteristics on the noise intensity of a helicopter