Institute Communication 2006
Authors Title Contribution Lütkepohl, A. Material-oriented solution finding through requirement-driven design methodology Müller, D. Task-oriented requirements management by application of information agents Bormann, E.; Kramer, W.; Müller, N. Innovation with norms and standards - Market access and market approval by means of norms and standards -
Authors Title Contribution Bormann, E.; Dietz, P.; Esderts, A.: Sound intensity measurement for the determination of single sound sources Kruk R.; Joostberens J.; Wieczorek A. Noise and vibration reduction by changing the tooth height in spur gears KKorte, T.; Lau, P.; Seitz, T. New test rigs for component testing at the IMW Rolshofen, W.; Dietz, P.; Schäfer, G. First results of the TAI-CHI project on touchable user interfaces -
Thoden, D. Literature management: The fast track to the right reference Lütkepohl, A.; Schwarzer, T. Extension of the IMW course offerings - Optimization of component structures with TOSCA 6.0 -
Authors Title Contribution Sambale, B.; Dietz, P. Improving the structure and content of the Mexican engineering design education on university level Rolshofen, W. ESOF2006 - Euroscience Open Forum in Munich Qu, T.; Lütkepohl, A. Report of an exchange student from Shanghai - Culture Exchange Internship Report Wächter, M. New structures at the Clausthal University of Technology Seitz, T.; Schwarzer, T.; Rolshofen, W. I*PROMS: Activities at the IMW in 2006 Isranuri, I.; Suwandi, N. Rankine cycle thermodynamic simulator of knowledge-based system for noise source identification of a steam power plant Pająk, T. Pre-investment phase of the construction of waste incineration plants in Poland Wolny, St. Loads in the system of shaft hopper - one-way: mechanical three-mass model Wolny, St.; Dzik, St.; Siemieniec, A. Measurement of the forces of mutual action in the elements of a shaft hoisting vessel