Institute Communication 2007
Authors Title Contribution Lau, P.; Schäfer, G. Length compensation in cardan shafts Dietz, P.; Korte, T. Dynamic investigation of longitudinal pin connections Hilgermann, J. L.; Lütkepohl, A. Design and dimensioning of internally high-pressure joined press connections Lau, P.; Schäfer, G. Basic investigations on splined shafts to determine notch effects Dietz, P.; Schwarzer, T. The properties of new rope constructions for the realization of lightweight rope drives Lütkepohl, A.; Schwarzer, T.; Thoden, D. Current developments in pressure comb calculation Dietz, P.; Wächter, M.. Increasing the performance of splined shaft connections by redesigning the tooth profile -
Authors Title Contribution Siemann, E. Selective laser sintering of porous venting structures using the example of mold making Hilgermann, J. L.. Validation of an FE simulation Lohrengel, A.; Ostertag, W.; Sprick, R. Gear technology, mechatronics? A comparison from the medical and hygiene industry Schäfer, G. From Multi Material Design to Finite Element Design Bormann, E.; Kramer, W. Innovation with norms and standards Miehe, A. Product data management (PDM) in teaching -
Authors Title Contribution Dietz, P.; Rolshofen, W.; Schäfer, G. Base load from wind power Seitz, T. Universal cutting geometries for domestic waste shredding Kruk, R.; Thoden, D. Modeling and measurement of the transmission behavior of rolling bearings Korte, T.; Lau, P.; Schäfer, G.; Schwarzer, T. Extended test rig capacities at the IMW Korte, T.; Kruk, R.; Rolshofen, W. Measurement on fan wheels Dietz, P.; Rolshofen, W.; Schäfer, G. Observations on the vibration behavior of rectangular plates -
Authors Title Contribution Labastida, C. Production of gears in metallic rings by cold roll forming Wieczorek, A. Investigations into the dynamic behavior of gears with standard and high gearing Batko, W.; Felis, J.; Kamisiski, T.; Wierzbicki, J. Automation of acoustic measurements in an anechoic chamber Sko , A., Wieczorek, A. Investigation of the influence of the carburizing layer thickness on the abrasion wear of a material for gear drives Bormann, E.; Kramer, W. Presentation of the INS basic investigations at the 35th Conference on Standardization Practice in Berlin Sambale, B.; Dietz, P. second year of IMPROVENG Bormann, E.; Kramer, W.; Müller, N. Strategy workshop of the IMW Standards Practice Committee