Institute Communication 2008
Authors Title Contribution Wächter, M.: Activities in rope research Hilgermann, J.L.; Yanikömer, T. Korte, T. Design strength of longitudinal pin connections Thoden, D.: Compression combs as thick plates under axial load Lau. P. The splined shaft connection with a difference: in the length compensation of cardan shafts (FVA project 505) Dietz, P.; Schäfer, G.; Wächter, M. Development trends for splined shaft connections -
Authors Title Contribution Miehe, A. The DIN feature lexicon or why the industry needs standardized features Bormann, E. Involvement of small and medium-sized enterprises in standardization processes Siemann, E. Optimized metal powder mixtures for the selective laser sintering of venting structures in injection moulds Bessling, S.; Echtermeyer, P.; Korte, T. Finite element design Bormann, E.; Thoden, D.. New multi-body simulation software SIMPACK at the institute Seitz, T. Systematic material selection as the basis for innovative products -
Authors Title Contribution Hilgermann, J.L.: Construction of a system for hydroforming Thoden, D. High-speed camera enables investigation of highly dynamic processes Kruk, R.; Kramarczuk, W.; Wieczorek A. MKS model of gear pair Lau, P. New tensioning test rig enters the power range above 500 kW Rolshofen, W.: The Clausthal concept for base load from the North Sea -
Authors Title Contribution Müller, N. Seal of approval of the Faculty Association of Mechanical and Process Engineering FTMV e.V Siemann, E. Newly installed 3D printer with FDM technology at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering Ernst, C.; Jüttner, M. TU students take a close look at Saxony's industry Hoffmann, Leitschuh, Kühnemund Design theory with new impetus through industrial contact -
Bessling, S.; Bormann, E. Institute organizes conference "Standardization and Higher Education" Müller, N. Importance of the ANP as a forum for the exchange of experience among standards users Wieczorek, A. Investigations into the thermal behavior of gears with standard and high gearing Kaltenborn, S. Load determination of prostheses during walking Isranuri, I. Influence of different cutting conditions on vibration characteristics of metal cutting processes using conventional lathe machines