Measuring Lab
The Measuring Lab provides the necessary measuring equipment for the experimental investigation of components. This includes all elements of the measuring chain, from the sensor and measuring amplifier to data acquisition and processing.
Stress determination
Systems from HBM, Gantner and IMC (imc CRONOSflex 2000) with up to 40 simultaneous channels are used for experimental stress determination. Any non-contact transmission of measured values is carried out with four telemetry systems (64, 32, 8, 4 channels), which are also suitable for ICP accelerometers. In addition to extensive experience in the application-related use of strain gages, the IMW has a large number of commercial force, torque and acceleration sensors at its disposal.
Geometry measurement
A ZEISS UMM550 coordinate measuring machine with rotary axis and a mobile optical 3D scanner (CREAFORM Handyscan) are available for the geometric recording of components and their production deviations.
Surface analyses
A 3D laser scanning microscope (KEYENCE VK-X 100K) with an additional coordinate table for examining larger components, a digital microscope (OLYMPUS DSX1000) for defect analysis and geometry determination, and a MAHR MarSurf XR20 roughness measuring device with rotation axis are used for surface analyses.

For questions about the Measuring Lab, please contact us by e-mail: