Prof. Dr.-Ing. David Inkermann
David Inkermann studied mechanical engineering at the TU Braunschweig. From 2009, he was a research assistant at the Institute of Design Engineering at TU Braunschweig (Professor Thomas Vietor) and completed his doctorate in 2016 with a thesis on the application of adaptive solution principles for the development of adaptive systems. Until September 2019, David Inkermann headed the Integrated Product Development working group at the same institute. From October 2019 to August 2021, he managed the Chair of Computer Integrated Product Development at the IMW. On September 1, 2021, he was appointed to the professorship for Integrated Product Development and heads the chair of the same name.
Work topics
- Modelling and visualization of system architectures and interdependencies in model-based system development
- Reflexive process design and method adaptation in distributed product development
- Modeling and evaluation of service life heterogeneity of technical systems
- Simulations and simulation games for teaching development methods
David Inkermann is responsible for teaching courses in the area of computer-aided product development at the IMW.
- Computer-integrated product development & manufacturing
- Apparatus engineering I
- Technical Drawing/ CAD
- Practical courses in design and simulation & product data management
- Introduction to Systems Engineering
Memberships and functions
- Cluster of Excellence SE2A - Sustainable Energy-Efficient Aviation at the TU Braunschweig
- Center of Digital Technologies - DIGIT at the TU Clausthal
- Future Mobility Lab at ZDIN - Center for Digital Innovations Lower Saxony
- The Design Society

Phone: +49 5323 / 72 - 2271
Fax: +49 5323 / 72-99 - 3501
Clausthal University of Technology
Fritz-Süchting-Institut für Maschinenwesen
Robert-Koch-Straße 32
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Consultation hours
by appointment
Selected publications can be found on ResearchGate and here.