Emil Alkountar, M.Sc.


Bachelor's and Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering at TU Clausthal. Research assistant at the IMW since 15/06/2024.

Working topics

  • Acoustics research project & supervision of exercises for machine elements

Student theses:

I regularly supervise student projects related to my fields of work. Please contact me for specific topics.

Phone: +49 5323 72 2147
Fax: +49 5323 72 3501
E-Mail: emil.alkountar@tu-clausthal.de

Clausthal University of Technology
Fritz-Süchting-Institut für Maschinenwesen
Building B2, Room 216a
Robert-Koch-Straße 32
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Office hours
Thursdays from 11:00 to 12:00 and by appointment in room 216a