Thomas Schumacher, M.Sc.

Research assistant


Graduated in Industrial Engineering and Management (M. Sc.) at Clausthal University of Technology in 2012. In the following years, I took on various responsible positions at a system supplier to the German automotive industry. Since May 2020 research assistant at the Chair of Integrated Product Development at TU Clausthal.

Work topics

  • Virtual product development
  • Systems engineering & model-based systems engineering
  • Architecture modeling of mechatronic systems
  • Function-oriented structuring of systems

Student projects

I regularly supervise student theses related to my fields of work. Please contact me for specific topics.


Phone: +49 5323 72 3504
Fax: +49 05323 72 3501

Clausthal University of Technology
Fritz-Süchting-Institut für Maschinenwesen
Building B2, Room 204
Robert-Koch-Straße 32
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Consultation hour
Thursdays from 11-12 o'clock and by appointment in room 204

Further publications

A list of publications can be found under the following link